Sunday, November 22, 2009

Extra Credit Time!

Here is a chance for you to get some extra credit for FYS 100. It will make up for two missed blogs, or if you've done them all, this will count as extra credit toward your blog grade.

This is what you should do: Come to the Hartt Dances performance at Millard Theater (in the Hartt School building) on Friday, December 4 or Saturday, December 5 at 7:30 PM, or on Sunday December 6th at 3 PM. Since you are all students at the university, you get 1 free ticket with your student ID. To get a ticket, you can go to the Lincoln Box Office at Lincoln Theater during their business hours, or just get to the theater an hour (or less) before the show to get a ticket.

Once you have seen the show, write a paragraph or two about the medieval themes or values that you saw in the different dances. You can pick one dance to write about, or a few of them. Some medieval themes that you might see are chivalry (especially prevalent in partnering between a man and a woman), court life, and magic. However, I'd love to see what YOU can come up with!

Email your responses to me at by December 12. I'll email you back to let you know that I got your extra credit.

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